Top Tips for Canberra-region JMOs

If you have a top tip that would have helped you out when you were starting out as a JMO – submit it to Top Tips for JMOs!

Your experience can help other current and future JMOs! What strategies have you used to survive ward rounds, prioritise your jobs, write discharge summaries, get through your first after-hours shift, or escalate problems when you need help? Do you have any tips on a tricky procedure, giving a comprehensive handover, or looking out for your own health?

Other junior doctors would love to hear about the tips you have in your toolbox for getting through internship.

These Top Tips are submitted by junior doctors working in Canberra and the linked South-East NSW training region, but they are generally relevant to junior doctors across Australia.

Scan the QR Code to submit your top tips

Some of our favourite Top Tips:

“Time yourself for particular jobs (prepping a consult, discharge etc) at the same of a rotation and make it your goal to cut that time down as you progress through the term”

“Take each day as it comes. Some will be amazing, some will be very average and some will be close to breaking you. There’s always another day and it will come in waves. Just keep moving forward at whatever speed you’re capable of at that time and ask for help when it seems like you’re not able to move forward at all. Never forget there’s a whole team around you to help on the days it feels like you’re close to breaking.”

“Introduce yourself to the nursing team leaders on each rotation, they will help you more than you will help them!”

“Get to know the pharmacist allocated to your ward and if possible create a what’s app group with them, this comes in really handy!”

“Don’t be afraid to check in on your fellow JMOs! They’d appreciate a quick ‘how are you going/are you going alright?’ In the midst of a busy day”