Teaching for Clinicians

Teaching for Clinicians is a two-part course (1.5 days) that is offered to all doctors working across the public health system in Canberra and South-East NSW. It focuses on the key teaching skills required for clinical supervision in medicine across all specialties. The course is facilitated by Associate Professor Katrina Anderson, for the Australian National University School of Medicine and Psychology and the Canberra Region Medical Education Council. The focus is on the clinical supervision and teaching of medical students, junior doctors, and registrars.

Overview of Teaching for Clinicians

Teaching in Medicine Pathway (TiM) - Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA) ANU Educational Fellowship Scheme

Doctors who have completed the full Teaching for Clinician’s course are eligible to apply for the Teaching in Medicine (TiM) Pathway if they are actively teaching medical students in their clinical role in Canberra and South-East NSW.

Overview of the TiM pathway to AFHEA