Information for Prevocational Junior Doctors

Requirements for PGY 1&2 Training

Requirements for PGY1 Training

The new requirements for PGY1s should result in very little change to the current requirements for PGY1 training in Australia. General registration will still be granted at the end of PGY1 (on meeting the mandatory requirements).

AMC Information Sheet for PGY1/PGY2 Doctors

Under the new National Framework PGY1s will be required to:

  • Complete 47 weeks of training

  • Rotate through training terms to experience a range of clinical experience, for a minimum of 10 weeks per term. The clinical experience must incorporate training terms that provide the following experiences:

    • Undifferentiated illness care

    • Chronic illness care

    • Acute and critical illness care

    • Peri-operative/procedural care

  • Complete a minimum of 4 training terms with a maximum of 50% in any one clinical specialty and 25% in any one subspecialty, a maximum of 20% in a service team, and at least 50% being part of a clinical team

  • Complete the assessment requirements that consist of:

    • Training term assessments: mid-term and final term for each training term

    • Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs): at least 2 per training term and at least 10 over the PGY1 year

  • Complete the requirements for PGY1 training within 3 years

  • Being in a PGY1 training program meets the Medical Board of Australia’s (MBA) Registration standard: Continuing professional development.

Requirements for PGY2 Training

The new Prevocational Framework will formally include the PGY2 training year, providing greater support and breadth of clinical experience to consolidate clinical skills. In the Canberra and South-East NSW training region, the training program already incorporates the PGY2 level, so for prevocational doctors, there will be only small changes to the training experience. At the completion of PGY2 training, prevocational junior doctors will receive a completion certificate issued by the Australian Medical Council. Under the new National Framework PGY2s will be required to:

  • Complete 47 weeks

  • Rotate through training terms to experience a range of clinical experience, for a minimum of 10 weeks per term. The clinical experience will incorporate training terms that provide the following experiences:

    • Undifferentiated illness care

    • Chronic illness care

    • Acute and critical illness care

    • Peri-operative/procedural care (note: this clinical experience is not a requirement in PGY2)

  • Complete a minimum of 3 training terms with a maximum of 25% in any one clinical subspecialty, a maximum of 25% in a service team, and at least 50% being part of a clinical team

  • Maximum 1 term not in direct clinical care

  • Complete the requirements for PGY2 training within 4 years

  • Complete and record the equivalent of 50 hours of continuing professional development (CPD) to meet the MBA’s Registration standard: Continuing professional development. In the Canberra and South-East NSW region, participating in the PGY2 training program education activities will meet the MBA’s CPD requirements.

For additional information on training and assessment requirements, please view the AMC documents