Bullying and Harassment Support
Bullying, harassment and discrimination are ongoing issues in the medical workforce, as they are in many other industries. Concerted efforts are being made across Australia to change the culture of medicine through education initiatives and promoting empowerment of JMOs.
The Medical Training Survey (MTS) supported by the Australian Health Practitioner Registration Agency (Ahpra) provides an annual snapshot of medical training in Australia and monitors longitudinal training conditions. The MTS includes questions about bullying and harrasment that provide an indication of the extent of the issue within the Australian medical workforce.
Resources for junior doctors experiencing or witnessing bullying and harassment
The following resources provide some assistance for JMOs who are experiencing or who have witnessed bullying and harassment in the work place:
Canberra Regional Medical Education Council’s bullying, harassment and discrimination resource for JMOs
South Australia Medical Education and Training’s bullying and harassment resources
Australian Human Rights Commission’s Sexual harassment resources
Where can I report a concern about bullying and harassment?
All prevocational training providers (and healthcare facilities in general) must have mechanisms through which bullying and harassment can be reported and investigated.
In the Canberra and South-East NSW training region, Canberra Region Medical Education Council monitors compliance of prevocational traning providers with the Prevocational Training Standards. The Council provides advice to junior doctors regarding their concerns if that cannot be resolved in within the facility. The Council can investigate concerns that indicate a training provider is not meeting the Prevocational Training Standards. You can contact the CRMEC for more information, support and advice.